PIAGRAN® pro is the urea for problem conditions, which reduces the risk of ammonia emissions almost completely. PIAGRAN® pro optimizes nitrogen efficiency and guarantees high yields and quality.
The urease inhibitor 2-NPT in PIAGRAN® pro stands out in comparison with other urease inhibitors thanks to a high stability of the optimal agent concentration. This distinguishes the finished product from other products with an NBPT based urease inhibitor very clearly. PIAGRAN® pro guarantees unlimited effectiveness and flexibility for storage and application. Its excellent grain properties enable PIAGRAN® pro to demonstrate an excellent spread pattern even when the working areas are large.
PIAGRAN® pro protects against ammonia losses. This means that yield, quality and profit can be assured at a high level in all crops. PIAGRAN® pro is particularly effective if urease activity in the soil is high or the binding capacity of the soil in relation to ammonium is low. This applies for use under the following conditions:
Stabilisation with urease inhibitors – an important component for higher nitrogen efficiency and more environmental protection in agriculture.
Tests with winter wheat show that PIAGRAN® pro is extremely suitable for late fertilisation of the crop. In years when the crop matures quickly, the use of PIAGRAN® pro can increase the raw protein content of wheat considerably. Protection against potential ammonia losses following quality fertilisation is not the only thing which takes effect here.
The stabilising effect of the urease inhibitor 2-NPT in PIAGRAN® pro encourages the efficient rearrangement of nitrogen from the leaves into the ear. This results in high protein contents and excellent baking qualities.
Higher yields and better raw protein contents lead to higher N-uptake. PIAGRAN® pro stands out under critical conditions in particular due to a higher level of N-efficiency and it also helps to meet the objectives of the fertilization ordinance more easily.
Ammonia losses after urea fertilisation can occur during higher temperatures and marked periods of dryness and this is the case with more delicate locations or soils with a high pH value. These weather conditions are becoming more and more frequent.
Our urease inhibitor 2-NPT delays urea hydrolysis and thereby prevents the release of ammonia into the air. This enables a high level of N-efficiency to be achieved even under critical conditions.
Urea is converted into ammonium within one or two days thanks to the urease enzyme. This process leads to a pH increase in the fertiliser granule environment. This process is carried out very quickly at higher temperatures above 20 °C and higher urease activity.
Therefore there is a particular risk at locations which are delicate and which don't have strong buffering and absorption, that part of the ammonium which develops cannot be bound to the soil particles and escapes into the air in the form of ammonia.
The urease inhibitor 2-NPT blocks the active center of the urease enzyme and protects the environment against ammonia losses. The conversion from urea to ammonium is extended by one to two weeks. There are adequate opportunities for binding to soil particles for the ammonium formed at lower rates.
PIAGRAN® pro does not contain a nitrification inhibitor. The conversion from ammonium to nitrate is not slowed down. It is not possible to combine two fertiliser applications as it would be for ALZON® fertilisation.
With PIAGRAN® pro you fertilise with the same N-quantity and distribution as you would with conventional fertilisers. You cannot combine fertilisation applications as you would with the ALZON® fertilisation strategy. You should adapt the recommendations for application below to meet the local conditions in line with requirements while taking the results of the soil and plant analysis into consideration. You can find out further information about the appropriate use of PIAGRAN® pro at www.duengerfuchs.de and it is also available via your specialist SKW adviser at any time.
Fertiliser type
Urea with urease inhibitor (2-NPT) 46
46 % N total nitrogen as ureic nitrogen
Typical values
Grain size (95 % of the product) 1.6 – 5.0 mm
Average granule diameter 3.5 mm
Bulk density 730 kg/m³
Colour yellow
Biuret content max. 1.2 %